Sunday 4 March 2018

The Road Movie

The Road Movie, Dmitrii Kalashnikov's 2017 movie out of Russia, is more one of those movies you watch more for the pure enjoyment of crazy things or guilty pleasures on the big screen.

The Road Movie is a compilation of Russian dashboard camera montages.  Roughly 5 years ago, Russia made it a requirement to have dashboard cameras, in order to help with insurance purposes.  These videos were recently brought to US light with The Daily Show and Jon Stewart.  This was mostly done when there was a comet that hit the earth and was caught on Russian Dashboard cameras with minimal to no reaction.  Stewart then showed some highlights, which sparked a guilty pleasure for many.

The Road Movie certainly didn't disappoint with random street scenes.  There's a nice montage of angry drivers, forest fires, and things that would typically surprising on the streets in the US or European streets, but certainly not Russia.

While there is no real direct theme, aside from horrid drivers, the stories don't really connect much, aside from the mere random and angry drivers, it's more of a guilty pleasure movie.  Certainly an enjoyable simple film, if you go in with that mindset, and fun seeing on a larger screen.  Especially with the forest fire scenes, as somebody who lives on the east coast of the United States, it is especially difficult to fully understand the magnitude of these types of disasters when you hear about them on the news.

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